Sunday, December 5, 2010


Vasana is the result of
fanciful ideas projected upon
a thing whose cause and consequences
are not inquired - so said
Sage Vasishta to Sri Rama

Delightful moon that you admire,
neither the light is its own,
nor is the other side is bright...
so you see through the eyes of fancy!

Rush of energy that reaches the senses
while in pursuit of sense pleasure
neither joy is in the objects
nor is in the senses
so you relish through the senses of fancy!

In deep slumber of every night
while your world is surely forgotten
neither bliss is in restful bosom
nor it is of the quiet mind
so you revel through darkness of ignorance!

=============== Quote
To give reason for fancy were to weigh the fire, and measure the wind - John Lyly
=============== Humor
A man in a bar sees a friend at a table, drinking by himself.
Approaching the friend he comments, "You look terrible. What is the problem?"
"My mother died in August," he said, "and left me $25000."
"Gee, that's tough," he replied.
"Then in September," the friend continued, "My father died, leaving me $40,000."
"Wow. Two parents gone in two months. No wonder you're depressed."
"And last month my aunt died, and left me $15,000."
"Three close family members lost in three months? How sad!"
"Then this month," continued, the friend, "absolutely nothing!"