Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Divine Love

Like the fallen seeds of Ankola tree
at once moving to its parent, to be united and free
Like the iron filings sticking to magnet stone
even when shaken as though dancing in tune
Like a loving wife devoted to her beloved
remaining with him in thought, word and deed
Like  creeper to the tree attached and wound,
deriving all strength, sustenance and food
Like  gushing river merging into the ocean
joyfully forever, discovering  its destination
O Lord of beings,  let every thought of mine
find ultimate shelter at thy lotus feet shrine
deviating never as even  the thoughts move
such state of mind the sages call as divine LOVE
(inspiration from Shivananda Lahari – 61)
“Human beings must be known to be loved; but Divine beings must be loved to be known.” - Blaise Pascal
The Surest Sign That Intelligent Life Exists Elsewhere In The Universe
Is The Fact That It Has Never Tried To Contact Us!!!!