Friday, September 14, 2012


Dharma is both choice and responsibility
If choice, love is first and commitment is later;
If responsibility, commitment first and love is later
Krishna in Gita, advised Arjun his responsibility
        through it to develop love for God
In developing love for god,
   Arjuna recognized the inevitability of his dharma
Hence Krishna offered him choice later
   यथा इच्छसि तथा कुरु  – do as per your choice!
So also in our life….
When we don’t have love for god, work is burden
    and responsibilities appear as choiceless encumbrances
When we develop of innocent love for God
     we discover the inevitability of work
Out of choice we can commit to our dharma, willingly!
     serving with smile, leaving aside personal prejudices....
One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility. - Eleanor Roosevelt 
Mr. Marlow was strolling through the country when he saw a stable with the most beautiful horse he ever laid eyes on. It was seventeen hands high and white, with rippling muscles and a fine, flowing mane. Mr. Marlow struck a deal to buy it from the owner who did, however, pass on one key piece of information.

"We are a religious family, Mr.Marlow, and we've instilled those values in our horse. To get him to gallop you must say 'Thanks God' to get him to stop you must say 'Our Father Who Art in Heaven,"

Settling into the saddle, Marlow said " Thanks God," and the animal took off. They rode for miles; suddenly they were coming up to a cliff. Unfortunately, Marlow couldn't remember the phrase to make the animal stop and tried every Biblical passage he could think of until, just a few feet from the edge of the cliff, he shouted,
 " Our Father Who Art in Heaven!"
The animal stopped instantly. Shaking and perspiring, Marlow reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief.
"Thanks God," he said as he mopped his brow...