Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring is here...

Three seasons are Maya’s treason
Her expression is this diverse creation
Summer - the heat of lustful passion
Fall-ego’s decent to deep depression
Search for true light - cold winter night
Spring is when the wisdom shines bright
Welcome spring….for the joys that you bring
Relief from agony and nameless suffering
We welcome Thee with showers of flower
As grateful tribute to mystery we discover
Summer, fall and winter are three moods
Beyond is you, O spring – you’re Godhood
Says Shankara, saint’s heart is spring season
Full of compassion, love without reason
Life and happiness wherever they go
For, they’ve discovered the land without ego
Land that is, it is God’s own garden
Freedom fruits in it fully laden
It’s hidden within in your heart, oh dear…
Spring is here, spring is here…
“And you would accept the seasons of your heart just as you have always accepted that seasons pass over your fields and you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.” -  Kahlil Gibran
A man hasn't been feeling well, so he goes to his doctor for a complete checkup. Afterward, the doctor comes out with the results.
"I'm afraid I have some very bad news," the doctor says. "You're dying, and you don't have much time left."
"Oh, that's terrible!" says the man. "Give it to me straight, Doc. How long have I got?"
"Ten," the doctor says sadly.
"Ten?" the man asks. "Ten what? Months? Weeks? What?!"