Thursday, January 6, 2011

Change and Challenge

Change brings in constant challenge,
every challenge demands
distinct change within.
To an infant, walking is a challenge.
To a student, learning is a challenge.
To a lazy labor, working is a challenge.
Allow the change, it is easy
to meet the challenge.

It is hard to be soft,
yet it is consistent soft winds
that have shaped the rocky mountains!
To be non-violent is to be ever ready
to face violence from mind's negative habits.
To be compassionate is
to rise above the habitual passions
that are hard to let go!
To be loving is the readiness
to include the unloving and the unwilling!

Nobility is the dexterity
built with bricks of change
that were thrown by the challenges of life
- one may choose to create
a robust fort or
pile them up for a tombstone!

Choose to change, face the challenge!

Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing is so gentle as real strength - St. Francis de Sales
A man's wife was complaining to their friends about her husband who was spending all his free time in the bar. So one night he decided to invite her along to the bar with him.
"What will you have?" he asked.
"Oh, I don't know. The same as you I suppose" she replied.
Husband ordered a couple of beer and threw his down in one shot. His wife watched in amazement, then took a sip from her glass. She immediately spat it out.
"Yuck, that is TERRIBLE!" she spluttered. "How can you drink this stuff!"
"Well, there you go" said the husband. "And you think I am out here enjoying myself every night!"


  1. Thank You Swamiji !!

    Also remembered the famous Prayer of Serenity-

    God, grant me the serenity
    To accept the things I cannot change;
    Courage to change the things I can;
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  2. swamiji sure your words are so beautiful and come straight to the heart , we love your e satsangs they are like consistent soft winds which leave a deep impact , and one month to digest it !and live it .

  3. Hari Om! the option one is left with being so clear (fort or tombstone) one has no choice but to accept change. Thks swamiji!


Hari Om!
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